Friday, February 28, 2020

7 Essential Improvements for Your Bathroom Remodel

Bathroom remodeling can be very expensive affairs but they add value to the house and functionality to the bathroom itself to suit your needs better. When remodeling the bathroom it is important to pay attention to every important aspect.

The essential improvements that you need in your bathroom are given here. For Bathroom Remodeling Arlington there are numerous certified contractors whom you can hire for your project.
Textured Tiles for Flooring

Bathroom floors, especially the floors of the shower, can get very slippery because of all the water. Use tiles with small textures on them for the floors. It would help you to get a stronger grip and prevent accidents. 

Replace the Drain Pipes

Normally, the drain pipes are 1 ½ or 1 ¼ inch wide. In a house with more members, this can lead to frequent clogs and slow drainage. Replace the pipes with a 2-inch pipe. Its costs similar to the others, however, it saves a lot of time and effort because of the quick drainage. 

Hidden Cistern Toilets

Consider using toilets with hidden tanks or cisterns. This will free up space and make the bathroom feel spacious. Additionally, you should also use the low-flow models to help save water outflow on every flush. These toilets match every decor plan and increase the value of the house. However, it is more difficult to do maintenance on these tanks because of the lack of easy access so you might have to regularly call a Remodeling Contractor Arlington
for its maintenance. 

Shower and Bathtub

You need not have both the shower and tub in your bathroom. If you rarely take a bath, you can install a large, luxurious shower instead. This will be more beneficial for small bathrooms in terms of space. It also has a financial benefit as not only will it save the cost of the tub but also it saves on the installation and maintenance cost of the tub. Additionally, showers are more environmentally friendly as they help in saving water.

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